Free 5-day Construktd Challenge for Renovation Professionals

Get all of the Following For FREE in our 5-Day Challenge

Lead Generation Guide

A comprehensive guide on effective lead generation strategies specifically tailored for renovation companies.

Database Reactivation Campaign

A step-by-step blueprint for reactivating dormant databases to generate new leads and opportunities for renovation businesses.

Referral Marketing Toolkit

A toolkit that includes templates and guides for setting up a successful referral marketing campaign in the renovation industry.

Content Marketing Planner for Renovation Professionals

A content marketing planner customized for renovation companies, providing insights on creating engaging and relevant content.

Social Media Strategy for Renovation Companies

A guide on crafting a compelling social media strategy specifically designed for renovation businesses.

Customer Testimonial Toolkit

Templates and tips for collecting and leveraging customer testimonials to build credibility for renovation companies.


Discuss rainmaking strategy to grow your Renovation/construction business

Have a question? Reach out to us and we promise to guide you!


Businesses we work with



“Good Marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov


Marketing is a strategic business activity aimed at promoting, selling, and distributing products or services to a target audience. It involves various processes such as market research, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution.


The ultimate goal of marketing is to create awareness, generate interest, and drive customer engagement, leading to increased sales and business success.



Contruktd Media specialises in providing a comprehensive marketing ecosystem tailored for home improvement businesses. From lead generation to automated processes, our system ensures your marketing efforts align seamlessly with your business goals, driving success in the competitive landscape.


Contruktd Media will not only enhance your existing marketing strategies but also assist in amplifying their impact. Whether it’s digital marketing or non-digital activities, including PR, Contruktd Media is your partner in propelling your brand and messages to new heights.


Digital marketing is a subset of marketing that leverages digital channels, platforms, and technologies to reach and engage a target audience. It encompasses a broad range of online tactics, including but not limited to, social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, content marketing, and online advertising.


Digital marketing is essential in today’s digital age, allowing businesses to connect with their audience in real-time, track performance, and optimize strategies for maximum impact.


“Mediocre marketers think in terms of campaigns. Great marketers think in terms of growth frameworks.” –Neil Patel



Contruktd Media stands as a marketing and automation powerhouse, powered by Construktd Systems. Our platform offers scalable and done-for-you lead generation, automated nurturing processes, and the integration of the latest digital marketing trends.


By partnering with Contruktd Media, your home improvement business gains a technological edge, ensuring effective and impactful digital marketing strategies.



“Your brand is a story, unfolding across all customer touchpoints.” – Joseph Sacha


Branding is the process of creating a distinctive and memorable identity for a product, service, or company. It involves crafting a unique brand image, including elements like logos, color schemes, and messaging, that resonates with the target audience.

Effective branding builds trust, recognition, and loyalty among customers, setting a business apart from competitors.


Contruktd Media understands the significance of branding in the competitive landscape. Our platform, powered by Construktd Systems, not only enhances digital marketing strategies but also provides tools and support for crafting a compelling brand image. From personalised content creation to consistent messaging, Contruktd Media ensures that your brand stands out and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.



1. Marketing

Definition: Marketing is a comprehensive business activity that involves promoting, selling, and distributing products or services to a target audience. It includes various processes such as market research, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution.

Focus: Encompasses both traditional and digital channels, aiming to create awareness, generate interest, and drive customer engagement.

2. Digital Marketing

Definition: Digital marketing is a subset of marketing that leverages digital channels, platforms, and technologies to reach and engage a target audience. It includes online tactics such as social media marketing, SEO, email marketing, content marketing, and online advertising.

Focus: Primarily operates in the online realm, utilizing the internet and electronic devices for real-time audience connection and analytics.

3. Branding

Definition: Branding is the process of creating a distinctive and memorable identity for a product, service, or company. It involves crafting a unique brand image, including elements like logos, colour schemes, and messaging, to build trust, recognition, and loyalty among customers.

Focus: The focus of branding is to create a distinctive and memorable identity for a product, service, or company. Branding involves shaping and managing the perception of the brand in the minds of consumers. Key aspects include; identity creation, consistent messaging, building trust and loyalty, recognition and recall, emotional connection, competitive differentiation, long term value, adaptability and evolution and customer experience.

Successful brands cultivate a potent and enduring impact that transcends their products or services. They shape how consumers perceive, trust, and engage with the brand over time, leaving a lasting impression that extends beyond individual transactions.


“The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you are not a brand, you are a commodity.” – Phillip Kotler


Contruktd Media is a versatile solution tailored for renovation/home improvement businesses, offering a comprehensive marketing ecosystem from lead generation to automated processes. Powered by Construktd Automation, it serves as a digital marketing powerhouse, providing scalable lead generation, automated nurturing processes, and integration with the latest trends.


Recognising the significance of branding, Contruktd Media supports the crafting of a compelling brand image, ensuring that your brand stands out and leaves a lasting impression.


Beyond enhancing existing strategies, the platform amplifies their impact, acting as a partner in propelling your brand, messages, and overall marketing efforts to new heights, encompassing both digital and non-digital activities, including PR. 


In essence,Contruktd Media provides a holistic solution for home improvement/renovation businesses, covering marketing, digital strategies, and brand enhancement.


Unleashing the Contruktd Advantage.


In a landscape cluttered with conventional digital marketing agencies, the Contruktd System emerges as a trailblazer, redefining the rules of success. 


Here’s how we break the mold:


1. Complete Ecosystem, Tailored for You


Contruktd Media is not just a service; it’s an entire ecosystem meticulously designed to propel your business forward. Unlike traditional agencies that may offer singular services, our system encompasses everything from lead generation to automated processes, content curation, and seamless tracking—a holistic approach that adapts specifically to your business needs.


2. Powered by Construktd Automation


At the heart of Contruktd lies the robust engine of Construktd Systems, an all-in-one platform that revolutionizes marketing and sales. This powerhouse supports over 1.4 million businesses, generating 622 million leads, and facilitating 14.7 billion conversations. It’s not just a tool; it’s a dynamic force to elevate your marketing and sales game.


3. Scalable, Done-for-You System


Say goodbye to rigid contracts. The Contruktd Blueprint offers a scalable, ready-made solution for lead generation without locking you in. This means flexibility for your business to expand without the constraints that typically accompany long-term commitments.


4. Your Marketing, Your Autonomy


Contruktd Media hands you the reins. We set up a complete marketing system. Watch as your business generates new deals on autopilot, empowering you with autonomy and control over your processes.


5. Performance-Driven and Tailored Growth


No management fees, no guesswork. Contruktd’s performance-based model is backed by a 30-day Return on Investment (ROI) guarantee. We craft a custom growth plan for your business, ensuring that every effort aligns with your unique goals and challenges.


“Play by the rules, but be ferocious.” – Phil Knight


In a sea of agencies, Contruktd Media emerges as a beacon of innovation—your dedicated partner in rewriting success stories. It’s time to experience growth without boundaries, where your business thrives on a personalised, scalable, and performance-driven foundation.


Welcome to Contruktd Media — where your success is the only metric that matters.


Revolutionize Your Growth with Contruktd Media.


In a sea of options, Contruktd Media emerges as the unrivaled choice for home improvement companies. Here’s why:


In the world of renovation/home improvement, Contruktd Media stands as the catalyst for growth, setting new standards for excellence.


1. Holistic Home Improvement Focus


Contruktd Media is tailor-made for the unique needs of home improvement businesses. Our strategies, systems, and expertise are finely tuned to elevate your presence in the competitive home improvement landscape. From roofing to renovations, HVAC to solar—we speak your language.


2. Unmatched Lead Generation


Experience a leap in lead generation like never before. Contruktd Media’s scalable and done-for-you lead generation system ensures a continuous flow of high-quality, exclusive leads. No more competing for the same leads—own your market with our unparalleled lead generation strategies.


3. Personalised Growth Plans


We understand that one size doesn’t fit all. Contruktd Media crafts custom growth plans for each home improvement business we partner with. No lock-in contracts, just a roadmap designed to align with your unique goals and aspirations.


4. Performance-Driven Results


Our commitment is to your success. Contruktd Media operates on a performance-based model—no management fees. Backed by a 30-day ROI guarantee, we ensure that your investment translates into tangible results, making your growth our top priority.


5. Powered by Construkted Systems


Contruktd Media harnesses the power of Construkted Systems, an industry-leading all-in-one platform. With a vast community, cutting-edge tools, and proven success stories, Construktd Sytems amplifies our capabilities, giving your home improvement business a technological edge in marketing and sales.


6. Complete Automation


Imagine a marketing system that works for you, effortlessly generating new deals on autopilot. Contruktd Media sets up a complete, 100% done-for-you marketing system. Say goodbye to complexities; say hello to simplicity.


“Building is not just about shelter. It’s about realising dreams, making statements, creating spaces where life happens.” – Unknown


Elevate your business, embrace unparalleled lead generation, and embark on a journey of success with Contruktd Media. Ready to transform your renovation/home improvement business?


Book a call now and let Contruktd Media redefine your success story.


“Every company can choose whether to lead or follow the emerging digital trends.”  – Bill Gates


Staying informed about digital marketing trends is crucial for staying competitive. In 2024, some key trends include:


  1. Video Dominance: Video content continues to be a powerhouse, with live streaming and short-form videos gaining popularity.

  2. AI and Automation: The integration of artificial intelligence and automation is on the rise, streamlining processes, enhancing personalisation, and boosting efficiency, ultimately leading to more effective results. Businesses can tailor content and recommendations based on user behaviour, ensuring a highly targeted and impactful approach.

  3. Interactive Content: Consumers seek engaging experiences, making interactive content like quizzes, polls, and surveys effective for audience participation.

  4. Voice Search Optimisation: With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimising for voice search is essential for maintaining a strong online presence.

  5. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):AR and VR technologies were increasingly used for immersive brand experiences, especially in the retail and real estate sectors.

  6. User-Generated Content (UGC):Leveraging UGC for marketing campaigns and social proof became a prevalent strategy, fostering authenticity and building trust.

  7. Chatbots and Conversational Marketing: The use of chatbots for instant customer support and conversational marketing are seeing widespread adoption, enhancing user engagement.

  8. Sustainability Messaging: Consumers increasingly value environmentally conscious brands, making sustainability a significant marketing focus.

  9. Zero-Party Data Collection: With growing concerns about data privacy, there was a shift toward zero-party data, where users willingly share their information in exchange for personalised experiences.


“Innovation is the ability to see change as a opportunity – not a threat.”
 – Steve Jobs


Construktd Media keeps its fingers on the pulse of emerging advancements in AI and automation, ensuring our clients maintain a competitive edge while adhering to best practices in the dynamic digital space.


By incorporating these trends into our tailored strategies, Construktd Media ensures our clients are ahead of the crowd. Leveraging AI and automation, we streamline marketing processes, enhance personalisation, and deliver more effective results.



Digital marketing/media agencies, such as Construktd Media, bring significant advantages to your business across various dimensions:


  1. Strategic Planning: We formulate comprehensive digital marketing strategies aligned with your business objectives, meticulously considering your target audience, industry trends, and competitive landscape.

  2. Targeted Online Visibility: We enhance your online presence through strategic digital marketing efforts, ensuring your business is visible to your target audience on various online platforms.

  3. Brand Building: Our team specialises in crafting compelling brand narratives, including logo design and other visual elements, to establish a strong and memorable brand identity.

  4. Lead Generation: Through effective funnel building and lead nurturing strategies, we drive the generation of qualified leads, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

  5. Sales Funnel Optimisation: We create and optimise sales funnels, guiding potential clients seamlessly through the customer journey from awareness to conversion.

  6. Review Management: Utilising the Construktd System, we help manage and leverage client reviews, enhancing your online reputation and building trust with your audience.

  7. CRM Implementation: We provide a comprehensive CRM system tailored to your business, streamlining customer interactions, improving communication, and driving efficient workflows.

  8. Marketing Strategy Development: Our expertise lies in developing and implementing tailored marketing strategies, including paid advertising, content marketing, and social media campaigns, to achieve your business objectives.


“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” – James Cash Penney


By partnering with Construktd Media unlocks a spectrum of services meticulously designed to elevate your brand, enhance online visibility, and drive tangible business results.

“I used to think business was 50 percent finding the right people. Now I think it’s 80 percent.” – Kevin P. Ryan


Finding the right digital marketing/media agency for your company involves careful consideration and research. Here are steps to help you identify and choose the agency that aligns with your business needs:


  1. Define Your Goals: Clearly outline your business objectives and what you aim to achieve through digital marketing. Whether it’s increased brand visibility, lead generation, branding or sales, having specific goals will guide your selection.

  2. Understand Your Budget: Define your budget constraints and inquire about the agency’s pricing structure. A good agency will work with your budget to deliver maximum value.

  3. Research: Conduct thorough research to identify potential agencies. Look for agencies with experience in your industry, positive client reviews, and a diverse portfolio.

  4. Check Credentials and Experience: Assess the credentials and experience of each agency on your shortlist. Consider factors such as the agency’s track record, expertise in relevant digital channels, and the skill set of their team members.

  5. Transparency and Communication: Choose an agency that values transparency and communicates effectively. You should feel comfortable discussing your goals and receiving updates on campaign performance.

  6. Review Case Studies and Portfolio: Request case studies or examine the agency’s portfolio to see examples of their work. This can provide insights into their approach, creativity, and the results they’ve achieved for similar clients.

  7. Skill Set and Services: Ensure the agency offers the services you need. Whether it’s SEO, social media management, paid advertising, or comprehensive digital strategies, align their skill set with your requirements.

  8. Evaluate Communication and Collaboration: Assess the agency’s communication style and how well they collaborate with clients. A transparent and communicative agency is likely to provide a smoother working relationship.

  9. Ask About Reporting and Analytics: Inquire about the agency’s reporting and analytics capabilities. A good agency should provide regular reports on the performance of your campaigns and be transparent about the metrics they track.

    “It’s not enough to have the data, you need to know what to do with it.” – Jack Welch

  10. Ask for a Proposal: Request a detailed proposal outlining how the agency plans to meet your goals. This allows you to assess their strategy, creativity, and overall approach.

  11. Discuss Contract Terms: Review contract terms, including the duration of the engagement, services included, and any performance metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) outlined in the agreement.

  12. Visit Their Office or Schedule a Meeting: If feasible, visit the agency’s office or schedule a virtual meeting. This can provide additional insights into their work environment, team dynamics, and overall professionalism.

  13. Trust Your Instincts: Trust your instincts and choose an agency with whom you feel confident and comfortable. A good working relationship is essential for successful collaboration.

    By following these steps and conducting thorough due diligence, you can identify the right digital marketing/media agency that aligns with your company’s goals and values.

Construktd Media is dedicated to being the right partner for your business, with a proven track record in the home improvement industry and a commitment to tailored, results-driven digital marketing solutions.

“Marketing without Data is like driving with your eyes closed.” – Dan Zarella


At Construktd Media, we prioritize transparency and provide comprehensive reporting to keep our clients informed and empowered:


  1. Live Lead Tracking: Through our advanced CRM system, clients have real-time visibility into generated leads, allowing for instant insights into lead sources and their current status.

  2. Monthly Detailed Reports: We deliver detailed monthly reports that provide a comprehensive overview of the previous month’s performance. These reports include key metrics, analytics, and insights into the effectiveness of our digital marketing strategies.

  3. Analytics Integration: Clients can access live analytics directly through the CRM, offering a dynamic view of website performance, social media engagement, and other critical metrics. This real-time data enables quick adjustments and informed decision-making.


At Construktd Media, our commitment goes beyond delivering results; it extends to ensuring our clients have a clear understanding of their digital landscape.


We firmly believe in data-driven decision-making, and our comprehensive reporting is designed to provide you with the information needed to assess the success of your digital marketing initiatives.


With Construktd Media, you can trust that your business insights are readily available and up-to-date, empowering you for strategic decision-making.


“Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless.” – Morris Chang


The choice between SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Paid Advertising) depends on various factors, and both have their own merits. Here’s a comparison to help you make an informed decision:


SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)




  1. Long-Term Results: SEO efforts can lead to sustained organic traffic over time, providing long-term visibility.

  2. Credibility and Trust: Organic search results are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy by users.

  3. Cost-Effective in the Long Run: Once established, organic traffic from SEO can be cost-effective compared to ongoing PPC expenses.




  1. Time-Consuming: SEO takes time to show results, and it requires ongoing efforts for maintenance and improvement.

  2. Initial and Ongoing Investment: It involves both an initial and ongoing investment, without immediate returns.


PPC (Paid Advertising)




  1. Immediate Visibility: PPC ads appear at the top of search results, providing instant visibility.

  2. Control Over Targeting: PPC allows precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and keywords.

  3. Measurable Results: PPC campaigns offer detailed analytics, allowing you to measure performance and adjust strategies quickly.




  1. Cost: PPC can be more expensive than SEO, especially in competitive industries.

  2. Temporary Results: Once you stop PPC campaigns, visibility decreases, making it less sustainable than organic traffic.




The ideal strategy often involves a combination of both SEO and PPC. SEO lays the foundation for long-term success, while PPC provides immediate visibility and can be adjusted based on real-time data. 


The choice depends on your business goals, budget, and the balance between immediate results and long-term growth. A comprehensive approach, integrating both strategies, often yields the best results. Construktd Media can help you develop a customised digital marketing strategy that aligns with your specific needs and objectives.


To get started with Construktd Media and kickstart your transformative digital marketing journey, follow these steps:


1. Book a call: Begin your journey with Construktd Media by reaching out to us through the “Book a Call” section on our website. Share essential details about your business, goals, and any specific challenges you’re facing.


2. Rainmaking Session: We’ll promptly schedule an initial consultation for a deeper dive into your business needs, objectives, and target audience. This session sets the stage for tailoring our services to your unique requirements.


3. Construktd Blueprint Session: Collaborate with us in a Blueprint Session, where we craft a comprehensive plan and strategy tailored to your business goals. As part of our commitment to transparency and excellence, and focus on getting you results, we offer a special guarantee: Getting you quote ready leads or you don’t pay. Additionally, experience the power of our services firsthand with a demo that showcases the impact of our strategies.


4. Strategy Review: We’ll walk you through the proposed strategy, answering any questions you may have and ensuring alignment with your business goals. Your feedback is crucial at this stage to refine the plan as needed.


5. Onboarding: Once you approve the proposal, we initiate the onboarding process. This includes setting up necessary accounts, gathering of initial information, providing access to our CRM system, and addressing any other technical requirements.


6. Campaign Launch: With everything in place, we launch the lead generation system specifically tailored for your business. This may include SEO optimisation, PPC advertising, social media strategies, email nurturing, chatbot ai integration, response automation and more, depending on your chosen services.


7. Monitoring and Reporting: Throughout the campaign, our team continually monitors performance and the lead generation system, making real-time adjustments as needed. You’ll receive regular detailed reports on key metrics and outcomes to keep you informed.


8. Continuous Optimisation: We believe in continuous improvement. Based on your lead generation performance, client feedback, and industry trends, we optimise strategies to ensure ongoing success and growth for your business.


Ready to elevate your online presence and drive meaningful, scaleable results? 


Book a call with Construktd Media today to initiate the process and unlock the full potential of your marketing efforts, backed by unrivalled support and our powerful tech stack.